Das Erste Gold Exhibit – Kunsthistorische Museum

Oliver has been asking to see the exhibit at the Kunsthistorische Museum (art history museum) called “Das Erste Gold”. I love that in a city with posters advertising EVERYTHING, Oliver picked out this exhibit as something he just had to see. It was a beautiful sunny day better suited to an outing at the park, so I told the kids we would check out the new exhibit and then head to a nearby playground.

Honestly, I don’t think we even need to go in the museum to be happy. The kids love to play in the large square between the art museum and the natural history museum. There are trees, bushes, fountains, grass, statues, and lots of room to jump and play.

Speaking of jump and play – Oliver may just end up jumping in all photos I ever take of him from now on.

My kids were so excited to see that all the fountains are uncovered now. Yay! Spring is officially here.

“Das Erste Gold” was a really interesting exhibit. The exhibit is about Europe’s oldest gold mine in Bulgaria that was mined between 1500 and 1000 BC. There are beautiful examples of gold work, but also molds that were used to make axes, swords, and other tools are on display along with items from the every day life of the people who worked in the mines, such as pots, hair decorations, and jewelry. There is a very informative video showing how the gold was mined and how it is shaped with the molds that are on display. It was a small exhibit, but very well done and interesting. The gold work was detailed and beautiful and it is amazing to me that all this metalworking was accomplished thousands of years ago using nothing but wood and stone tools.

After the exhibit, we headed back outside into the beautiful sunshine. We checked out the statue of Maria Theresia to find the small sculpture of Mozart as a six year old boy (the age he was when he performed for Maria Theresia in the Viennese court). I had just read about it and thought the kids might be interested. Oliver made me take about ten pictures of him in different poses before we could leave. It was a beautiful day for running around at the park, so instead of heading home for dinner we tried out the burger food truck at the park. All my kids ate a burger. This is nothing short of amazing that I have finally found a food that all of them will eat. As for me, I was hoping it would be better since I had heard good things about it. I would say the food was just fair. The search for an amazing burger in Vienna continues…

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