Sewing Time!

I recently found some cute ideas for sewing felt animals with my kids. I decided we should try our hand at sewing. It was interesting, to say the least, dealing with thread, needles, and fabric for four kids at once, but I was super impressed with the kids! They had some frustrating moments, but everyone really enjoyed the sewing and Oliver surprised me most of all by being the only one to thread his needle and tie knots all by himself.

James made me do most of his sewing, but when he did a few stitches he was so excited. I wasn’t sure when we started how this craft experiment would work out, but in the end I am so glad we tried it out. The kids experienced frustration, but didn’t give up. They had to tear out some stitches, but tried again. They had to ask for help, there were a few poked fingers, but when they finished they were so proud of themselves and what they were able to make.

Chris joined in the fun and made James’ Mickey Mouse a top hot. James was so pleased, and I got to help Chris *almost* as much as I helped the little kids.

Their little animals are awesome and I think we definitely need to make more time for sewing crafts at our house. We may also need to practice taking nice photos together, but I don’t think we will perfect that one anytime soon.


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