Fun Kids

I broke my old camera so I haven’t been able to take very many fun pictures of the kids at home since Chris usually has the other camera. We finally got a new one and I have had so much fun taking pictures of the kids, especially James who is learning new things every day!
He loves to help unload the dishwasher. Any time I open it up, James comes over to see what we are doing. 
James doesn’t crawl on his hands and knees, he does a great belly crawl and he is REALLY fast. He always uses his left hand to pull himself with. I wonder if he will be left handed like his big brother?
Elora loves this baby! She is his little Mom. James learned to sit up and the kids always worry because sometimes he falls over when he gets tired. Elora will always go sit behind James if she sees him sitting up so he won’t bonk his head.
I just think this is a funny face. James learned to spit raspberries at us and thinks it is very funny.
Now he is learning to stand! I think we will have another young walker. He loves to pull up on things and is so proud of himself when he gets up to standing.
Marion is my little helper. She likes to sit on the counter when I cook. She also likes to yell at everyone when we are not doing things properly (properly according to Marion anyway). She is a little ball of fire, but she is so cute and sweet, we love her anyway.
Chris was gone on Father’s Day this year, so Elora drew him a nice card at church to mail to him – complete with the message “I love you. I hope you are safe.”
Marion picked Chris a bouquet from the church flower beds. She proudly announced, “I got a present for Daddy! I got Daddy a pretty bouquet!”
Oliver drew a picture of a ninja turtle for Daddy. I am quite proud of him, he doesn’t usually draw, but he very carefully made sure Michelangelo had arms, legs, hands, nunchucks, and a mask of the appropriate color.  
The kids wanted to play barrel of monkeys after church, but instead of the usual way of playing they just tried to get the longest monkey chain possible. They were full of giggles and excitement as they called me to see their “Super long monkey chain!”
The kids made a hideout in the mudroom. There were pillows, toys, Toasted Oats cereal, and fireman equipment.
The pillow and diaper bag were being used to barricade James into the mudroom so he wouldn’t leave the party.The kids were very nice to share the cereal with James.
The kids found Chris’ fireman gear and Oliver proudly wore his fireman helmet all around the house. Which I think is pretty impressive since it weighs A LOT!

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