Oliver’s Haircut

Just in time to celebrate his birthday, Oliver finally got a haircut! He probably doesn’t even remember his last one, that he had sometime when he was 3… He didn’t really like getting his haircut. It bothered him the get the hair on his skin. But he made some really awesome faces.
My friend Jill was really patient with him. I don’t know how she even managed to cut his hair, he was wiggling so much. We got a couple smiles out of him near the end when less hair was falling in his eyes. His favorite part was getting brushed off with a big makeup brush at the end, that part made him giggle.
There are all his beautiful locks on the floor! I can’t believe how long his hair was! We love Oliver’s hair when it is long, but we figured it was time to cut it when it got to his shoulders. He looks SO much older with shorter hair! I can’t believe he is FIVE years old! Where does the time go?

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