Zion – Checkerboard Mesa Hike

We took Manfred and Ingrid and the kids on an “off the trail” hike around the Checkerboard Mesa in Zion. This was nice to get away from the crowded main trails and wander around a bit on our own. Fortunately for them, Karen and I have covered this ground hundreds of times…
 Here’s Elora writing on the wall by scratching some sandstone rocks together. She would tell us everywhere how she was making “Indian carvings” because she was an “Indian princess”. In fact, it made it slow going as we hiked along because she insisted on stopping every so often to scratch weird shapes that meant “I love you” into the wall.
We spotted a lizard, so our expert lizard catcher grabbed it and let the kids play with it.
Luis, Manfred, and Elena were pretty excited to play with it too!
For some reason we really love this picture of little Ollie trudging along up the hill. He was a real trooper as we did a lot of hiking that day. Notice if you look closely he’s holding his toy lightsaber in his left hand and a small branch of berries in his right hand.
Hiking up out of the canyon for a better view… and to feel the nice breeze!
Hiking across the sandstone. Notice again the mini lightsaber in Ollie’s left hand. He clutched that thing tightly for about 4 hours!
 This picture is great because it shows the two moms hiking along carrying their kids. It’s funny because it’s been that way out west for thousands of years! When in Rome…
I think the kids had a really great time marching across the rocks. If we were walking in a city Oliver or Elora would be whining to sit in the stroller by now, but outdoors when there’s things to explore they suddenly have a lot more energy.
Another pretty view with the rock wall in the background. Elora by this point had taken a real liking to Manfred.
We hiked a bit more down another canyon, but then turned back to the car when the way required a bit of hand over hand climbing. Here’s Elora and Mommy next to the tadpole pools. Any day now they should be teeming with frogs. Unless all the water dried up and they died… which is also likely.

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