Free Music Concerts…

So apparently all over the city this summer, there will be outdoor concerts. Some are free, some are not, but we accidently came across this one at Karlsplatz on the way home from church, and it was great fun! Elora got a free balloon, and loved hearing the music. I hope we can stumble across a few more since for the life of me I can not find a schedule anywhere!

Oliver slept through the whole thing, pretty impressive considering how loud the music was. He actually woke up as soon as we left…

And the best part? The huge drinking fountain that was set up outside with a big sign on top. They are so excited to announce, “Look!!! We have a drinking fountain!!!!” The best part is the sign on top that says, “Drink Water!” It is pretty exciting since usually we have to pack around tons of water in the summer since we can NEVER find drinking water anywhere…

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