Painting Leaf Collages

We collected leaves at the park and brought them home to make collages. Once we had glued all the leaves, Elora said she wanted to paint them.


We got out the paints, and as you can see, had a great time painting. I made one too, and now they are decorating Elora’s room.

Oliver decided to cook while we were painting. He doesn’t get to paint very often, because he usually decides to suck on the paintbrush after about two minutes… But he loves to cook with all the pots and pans.

Elora gets so excited to color and paint, and is very proud of all her creations.

Elora said I have to put this pic up too. She thought it was funny to make a sad face. This is her new game when we are trying to take pics… makes it slightly harder to get good pictures!

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