Palais Lichtenstein Park

Chris goes to class in the Palais Lichtenstein, and we recently discovered that there is a HUGE playground there. So while Chris went to class, we came to play at the park while waiting for his lunch break. Elora’s friends Charlie and Mia joined us, since they live just down the street. Elora and Charlie climbed in this swing and just sat there waiting (since they can’t push themselves). Eventually Mia went and pushed the swing for them.

All the kids trying to ride the teeter-totter at the same time.
Oliver loves teeter-totters, so he tried to climb aboard as well.

After the park, we headed over to the pond where we saw some baby ducks, and Elora also decided to “go fishing”. She didn’t catch much.
Charlie joined in with the fishing, and eventually Elora ended up wet (of course!) Why wouldn’t you want to put your feet in the green water?
Oliver also tried to go swimming, so my stroller was pretty soaked on the way home. Next time, I’m bringing spare clothes!

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