Vienna Cobenzl Petting Zoo

Elora and her friend Grace went to the petting zoo at Cobenzl inVienna and had a great time together. It’s fun to see how as Elora gets older she actually interacts withother children instead of just standing next to them to play. On thebus ride there they compared outfits, shoes, and fashion accessories.Here’s Oliver excitedly feeding a goat one of the green beans we grewin our indoor garden. Ollie would poke the goat in the nose and mouthin between bites.
Oliver enjoyed feeding the animals so much, that when we ran out ofgreen beans to feed, he attempted to feed the ducks a rock, as you cansee in this picture. He also pulled grass or picked up hay to feed theother animals. Elora was a little scared to let the sheep eat out of her hand andkept dropping the food on the ground. Next stop was the park, where all the kids piled into the swing before
going our separate ways home.

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1 Comment

  • Looks like great fun. We will have to go there during school holidays. Only one more week and I have Mia and Charlie home for 2 months. Yay!