The Roterberg

After going to the little park right across the street, we decided the next day to go to the bigger Roterberg. Here is Elora riding in her “Birdsnest” swing, waiving her Irish flag with pride.Oliver is getting big enough to enjoy a thrillride. Yes those are storm clouds in the horizon. We’ve had almost non-stop rain, sleet, snow, hail for 3 weeks, sometimes all of the above in the same day. Usually the weather goes: sun for 1 hour, rain for 1 hour, sun for half an hour, sleet for 2 hours, sun for 1 hour, slushy snow for half an hour, rain for the rest of the night. It’s really weird. But whenever the weather is sunny for more than an hour we hurry outside. Usually it rains on us at some point.The Birdsnest swing has an amazing ability to make your stomach jump through your throat on every swing… Elora really likes it. Us… not so much.Elora’s favorite part was the big playground with stairs, bridges, rockwall, and a slide. Check out the two sticks that Elora insisted on carrying around at the risk of impaling everyone she was next to. We found a “special safe place” for the sticks after the first trip down the slide. Ollie really enjoyed his first trip down the slide with his big sister. Here’s the video:
And here is one of those strange contraptions we we’re sure what to do with. Two huge strips of rubber with a roller in the middle? Eh?

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