I’m so glad when Daddy comes home!

Last week when Chris had class, he was gone from 8 in the morning until 7 at night. The kids are used to being able to barge into Daddy’s office at home at least five times a day, so they are always disappointed to see him go to school… but so excited for himto come home! It is fun to see them shreak and run (crawl) to the door when Daddy comes home, and then they both beg for turns climbing on Daddy… here are some of my favorite pics from home this week. Here’s Ollie looking very sweet after sharing some of daddy’s hot chocolate. I suggested that Chris only give him a little, but Chris said “He will be sad if the cup is taken away before the chocolate is gone.” He cried anyway when the cup was empty. Here is Elora showing off her new shirt to daddy. Translation: “the cat”

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